Friday, 3 April 2015


I am a Christian from the Roman Catholic sect. With the holy week of lent going on, the first thing that came to my mind when I thought of the letter C was Jesus Christ.

The Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, when Jesus is welcomed into the city of Jerusalem with his disciples by the Jews, who mistake him as a political leader who will lead a rebellion against the Roman Empire. However, when they realise that they were mistaken, they plot to get him out of the way, in connivance with Jewish priests who level charges of Blasphemy. Maundy Thursday marks the day of Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples and his teaching them the important lesson of being of service to others by washing their feet. Good Friday is the day Jesus is arrested following betrayal by Judas, and charged for Blasphemy by the Jews. Subsequently he is crucified after a lot of torture and humiliation. Holy Week finally culminates with Easter Sunday, when Jesus rises from the dead.

Easter is actually a bigger festival for Christians than Christmas. Christians believe in the concept of redemption, forgiveness, and 'life after death'. For me, 'life after death' is not necessarily resurrection in the literal sense, but has more to do with having a second chance, or getting a chance to redeem one's self after initial failure. It is about repentance and starting life afresh.

As a Christian, I am proud of the fact that my religion is a religion of peace. The word 'Catholic' means all-embracing. I am also proud of the fact that our religious leader, i.e. the Pope is not shy of admitting mistakes and apologising for events in history where the Church was at fault. The fact that the Church is not rigid and fundamentalist, and is willing to move with the times is also a very good trait.

Here's wishing everyone a VERY HAPPY EASTER.

This post is written as a part of the April A to Z Challenge - 2015

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